Unique Orchid Beauties

Bulbophyllum Elizabeth Ann gx Buckleberry

Bulbophyllum Elizabeth Ann gx Buklesbury mono

Bulbophyllum Elizabeth Ann, registered in 1969, is a primary hybrid between Bulbophyllum rothschildianum and Bulbophyllum longissimum. While B. rostchildianum is cooler growing parent native in South Yunnan and northeastern India, B. longissimum is warm loving parent with its origins in Thailand, Malaysia and Borneo. Their hybrid Elizabeth Ann prefers to be kept in warm, with high humidity and protected from direct sunlight. It can grow quite big and likes to be potted in sphagnum moss or a bark and perlite mixture.

2 comments on “Bulbophyllum Elizabeth Ann gx Buckleberry

  1. tentative plant scientist
    April 10, 2015

    Beautiful! Great blog, really interesting!


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This entry was posted on February 11, 2015 by .
