Unique Orchid Beauties

Angraecum eburneum

Angraecum eburneum mono

Angraecum eburneum, commonly known also as Comet orchid is an epiphyte native to moist forests of Madagascar and east coastal Africa. It’s apple green and white flowers are pollinated by hawk moth at night, when the nectar spur attract moths with strong fragrance. Flower stems carry 10 to 15 flowers. Angraecum, same as many other epiphytic orchids prefers to grow in coarse, airy and well drained potting mix. Can be grown in clay pots, wooden baskets or mounted on bark. It’s growth is rather small. For flowering, it requires enough light and humidity all year through. Usual flowering time is in late autumn and winter. The flowers are long lasting and can be used as a cut flowers in bouquets. A. eburneum has two naturally occuring forms: Superbum with bigger flowers and longicalcar with amazingly long nectar spurs.

Another member of Angraecum family is A. sesquipedale is famously known Darwin’s orchid, with spurs long up to 35 cm, or as it’s latin name says  “one-and-a-half-feet-long”.

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This entry was posted on February 11, 2015 by .